About RevUp
RevUp 2025 in partnership with Lord’s Taverners Ireland will continue to support various Irish Wheelchair Association projects.
To date, funds raised from RevUp 2018 - 2024 were used to fund three minibuses for a school and two sports clubs that cater for young people with disabilities as well as three powersoccer chairs, eight basketball wheelchairs and a hand cycle for twelve young people who can now participate and enjoy the sport that they love.
We have seen first-hand how both the clubs and individuals we have supported to date have benefited and it is fantastic to be able to continue this support.
2024 was our most successful yet, since partnering with Lord’s Taverners Ireland. Starting from Joe Duffy Motorrad in Finglas and Keary's Motorrad in Cork, the sold-out event saw 45+ riders and pillions complete an epic 3 days of riding on some of Ireland's best biking roads and we’re looking forward to repeating that in 2025. With your help, we can continue to help young people with disabilities take part in sport!
The 2025 run takes place 3rd to 5th May and marks the 20th Anniversary of RevUp.
The event works as a navigation exercise with the initial points to ride given out in Finglas at the start of the first day. You simply follow the route sheet and ride to the first checkpoint where you get the second set of directions and so on. This allows you to leave when you want and ride at the pace you enjoy and in a group you’re happy to ride with.
Participants have to raise a minimum of €750 (and €500 for a pillion) and that includes the following:
The run is always well attended and 2025 looks like it will be no different. Registration is opening soon!
The route is always kept a closely guarded secret with the details of how to get to the first checkpoint being given out at the dealership on the morning. At the first checkpoint details of the route to the second are given out and at the second the final stage which gets us to the hotel is supplied.
Please donate or sign up to take part 'Giving Young People a sporting chance!
Based on information on the entry forms, awards will be made as follows:
Best bike
Furthest traveled
Oldest rider
Biggest corporate sponsor
Most collected by an individual
Please adhere to any additional instructions given to you from event co-ordinators while on the event.
Tips for a good ride out: